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Christmas Fund

//Christmas Fund
The AMGECU Credit Union announces the start of its Annual Christmas Savings Plan 2018-2019. Save a little every month towards this plan and ensure a worry-free Christmas .

  TO ENROLL: Click Here to download the application form.
Fill it up together with the Deduction Authorization Form  and submit to the Credit Union Office as soon as possible.

Rules of the Christmas Savings Plan 2018-2019

Rule 1

Cycle starts November 01, 2018 and closes on October 31, 2019.

Rule 4

Rate of interest to be determined by the Board of Directors and will be paid on the MONTHLY BALANCE.  Plan interest rate for 2018 – 2019 to be 0.5% per annum credited monthly.

Rule 2

Contributions shall be fixed for the duration of the plan, a minimum of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month.

Rule 5

Member must contribute for a minimum of ten (10) months, between November 2018 and October 2019 (both months inclusive), without withdrawal of all or any part of amount saved to qualify for payment of interest at 0.5%.

Rule 3

Amount saved plus interest to be paid on/by November 30, 2018.

Rule 6

Early payments shall not be made to any individual member; i.e. after closing date in 2018 but in advance of general distribution (on/by November 30, 2018).